Wednesday, March 5, 2008


You will also need to write a short (3-4 paragraph) explanation of your remix: sources, techniques, purpose.
The grade on this assignment will be based mainly on the presentation and organization of the material.

I compiled my Remix Project with the aid of Internet Archive which builds a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form-- free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. My remix project can be found on my website under the link intitled Public Domain

I used the Internet Archive to find pictures of the casualties, and dead civilians in Iraq. I pulled these pictures into Final Cut Pro to create a slide show, after obtaining a YouTube account in order to use their server space not mine. I also uploaded an NPR newscast that would play in the background; This newscast discusses the total chaos that is alive and well in Iraq.

The purpose: I want people to get out of their tiny bubbles that they call life; a self centered spiral that involves not getting involved in being an American Citizen. "Hey, let the government do their job. I dont have to pay attention. I'm going to the bar tonite. Who cares if we are in a war our govt. will fix it! I'm angry at the American People for settling for Probaganda as news, and stifled copyright laws that doesnt allow us to take action and build upon good ideas to create great ideas. I want to see the American people get off their lazy ass's and wake up! Nazi Germany didnt happen over night; it happened because people allowed themselves to be blinded through probaganda.


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